Python on HPC Clusters

About the Tutorials

This tutorial series covers topics on using Python on HPC clusters. The specific steps are based on the HOPPER cluster at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. They should be implementable on most HPC clusters that have the SLURM scheduler installed, the Environment Modules system for managing packages and Open onDemand for a web-based GUI to access the cluster resources.

Tutorial Pages

Name Description
Running python Natively with a Module Covers the steps on how to run python with SLURM using python modules on HPC clusters.
Running python with python virtual environments Covers managing python packages and running python scripts on HPC clusters with python virtual environments.
Running python with conda-environments Covers managing python packages and running python scripts on HPC clusters with conda environments.
Running python from a Notebook Covers managing python packages and running python on HPC clusters from a GUI while using either conda environments or python virtual environments.
Example with Pytorch A hands-on demo with a pytorch example.

Tutorial videos and Slides

Links to recorded sessions and slides will be added ater the live tutorial session.

Upcoming Sessions

Title Date

For more tutorials and other demos for the GMU Hopper Cluster, you can check out the GMU ORC Wiki pages.